Advanced Dotnet Course

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Advanced Dotnet Training


Introduction to ASP.NET( 2 Hrs)

- Web Technology Basics
- WebPage
- Static WebPage
- Dynamic WebPage
- HomePage
- WebBrowser
- WebApplication
- WebSite
- Intranet
- Internet
- Responsive Application
- Rich Internet Application
- IP Address
- Protocol
- ASP.NET Introduction - Points about ASP.NET
- ASP.NET Architecture - have to explain with diagram
- Basic Concepts (with partical examples) - PostBack
- AutoPostBack
- IsPostBack
- CrossPagePostBack
- RoundTrip
- Response.Redirect
- Server.Transfer
- ASP.NET Page Lige Cycle Event Order - Events order have to explain
- Standard Controls

Validation Controls(2 Hrs)

Standard Controls - Label
- Button
- TextBox
- DropDownList
- ListBox
- Calendar
- Image
- ImageButton
- HyperLink
- LinkButton
- FileUpload
- Literal
- RadioButton
- RadioButtonList
- CheckBox
- CheckBoxList
- MultiView
- View
- Wizard
Validation Controls - RequiredFieldValidator
- RangeValidator
- RegularExpressionValidator
- CompareValidator
- Validation Summary
- Custom Validator
Property uses (have to tell the use of these properties) - ValidationGroup in validation controls
- CausesValidation in button

Sql Command Parameter(2 Hrs)

ASP.NET Login Form - have to create ASP.NET login
Sql Injection - Hacking Technique (we have to hack and show our code is not secure)
To Avoid Sql Injection - Sql Command Parameter (with example)
- Stored Procedure
Stored Procedure in ASP.NET - 4 types with examples
Rich Data Controls(2 Hr) RichDataControls - GridView
- DetailsView
- FormView
- DataList
- ListView
- DataPager
- Repeater
Dashboard - What is Dashboard?
- have to tell how to use richdatacontrols in DashBoard Page
GridView - Perform INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE operation in GridView manually
DSRC company Task - Tell 5 tasks asked in DSRC company
- Perform 2 tasks

State Managements(3 Hrs)

StateManagement - tell what is the purpose of state management
Client Side Techniques - ViewState
- Cookies
- QueryString
- HiddenField
- ControlState
Server Side Techniques - Session
- Application
Global.asax file - tell the use of Global.asax file
Security using WAT tool( 1 Hrs) - tell how to create websites with Security
- steps in security
- Authentication - Authorization - Authenticatio Modes
- Windows - Forms - Passport - tell about WAT tool
- tell about ASP.NET Login controls
- steps for ASP.NET security using WAT tool

Master Pages, Web User Control, Themes and Skins(2 Hrs)

Master Page - purpose of Master Page
- simple example for Master Page
- Nested Master Page example
Web User Control - purpose of Web User Controls
- example for creating user controls
Themes and Skins - purpose of Themes and Skins
- two types of skins files
- example for default skin
- example for named skin

Caching and tracing( 2 Hrs)

Caching - purpose of Caching
- types of Caching
- example of Page Caching
- example of Partial Caching
- example of Application caching
Tracing - purpose of Tracing
- types of Tracing
- example of Page level tracing
- example of Application level tracing

XML with ASP.NET(3 Hrs)


- purpose of XML
- XML to Web Form (example)
- Web Form to XML (example)
- XML to DB (example)
- DB to XML (example)


- purpose of DTD
- example for XML with DTD


- purpose of XSLT
- example for XML with XSLT

XML Schema

- purpose of XML Schema

Web Service

- What is Web Service
- Advantages of Web Service
- Real Time examples of Web Service
- Tell about WSDL, UDDI
- Web service return 1 values (example)
- web service returning multiple values (examples) (use collection conecpt)
- Tell about ProxyServer
- Updating WebService

AJAX (3 Hrs)

Introduction to AJAX
Advantages of AJAX
AJAX Extension Controls
Introduction to AJAX Toolkit Controls
Examples using Ajax toolkit Controls

MVC(Model View Controller)-8 Hrs

Introduction to ASP.Net MVC and ARCHITECTURE
Selectors, Action Filters and Layouts
State Management in MVC
Razor View and HTML Helper Class
MVC with Entity Framework